1.2 Million First Time Asylum Seekers Registered To Eu In 2016

Istanbul, Mar 21 Syrians Data on asylum applicants in the EU are issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the

Istanbul, Mar 21 Syrians Data on asylum applicants in the EU are issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
6 in 10 applied for asylum in Germany
With 722 300 first time applicants registered in 2016, Germany recorded 60% of all first time applicants in the EU Member States. It was followed by Italy Highest number of first time applicants relative to the population in Germany, lowest in Slovakia Compared with the population of each Member State, the highest number of registered first time applicants in 2016 was recorded in Germany Around 30% of first time asylum seekers were Syrians
Syria Afghanistan A million asylum applications pending at the end of 2016
Pending applications for international protection are those that have been made at any time and are still under consideration by the responsible national authorities at the end of the reference period. In other words, they refer to the "stock" of applications for which decisions are still pending. This statistic is meant to measure the workload of the national authorities.
At the end of 2016, 1 094 100 applications for international protection in the EU Member States were still under consideration by the responsible national authorities. At the end of 2015, there were about as many (1 002 400). With 601 900 pending applications at the end of 2016 (or 55% of the EU total), Germany had the largest share in the EU, ahead of Italy (99 900, or 9%), Sweden (83 000, or 8%) and Austria (77 400, or 7%).


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