Emre Kurttepeli joined the Advisory Board of Çözüm Kumbarası Project

Çözüm Kumbarası (Solution Bank) is a social innoviation project that runs on social media which is carried out by cooperation of Intel, Galata Business Angels, Endeavor and Ashoka.

Emre Kurttepeli (President of GBA), Aysegül İldeniz (Intel New Technologies Global Vice President ), Burak Aydın (Intel GM, TR) Murat Özyeğin (Endeavor Turkey Chairman), Faruk Eczacıbaşı (Turkey Informatics Foundation President ), İbrahim Betil (Civil Society Volunteer), Prof. Dr. Üstün Ergüder (Chairman of Education Reform Initiative) joined the launch meeting of Çözüm Kumbarası Project was organised to introduce Çözüm Kumbarası on 26 December 2014.


Emre Kurttepeli remarked: “As GBA, since we care about social entrepreneurship, we want to support this field and we believe in Çözüm Kumbarası Project; we are glad to be partners with Intel. We believe that this is an an important project that will pave the way of Social Entrepreneurship as well as contributing to its the development.”

Kaynak: https://emrekurttepeli.com/

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