Turkish Presidency Of Religious Affairs Haberleri

Kurttepeli: “The internet market is expanding”

KURTTEPELİ: “THE INTERNET MARKET IS EXPANDING” Emre Kurttepeli is the creator of Mynet which is the first Turkish portal in Turkey. Mynet which he founded after he sold Fornet that was founded in 1996 with İzi Adato and sold to Koç.net is competing with the world. Emre Kurttepeli, the Chairman of Mynet, evaluated the development of internet and the future of the sector on the 5th anniversary of Mynet:

Finans 2023-07-06 12:38:24

Turkey has a Web Portal that Finances Itself

Emre Kurttepeli founded Mynet.com in 1999 with an investment of 1 trillion Turkish Liras. At that time, most people thought that it was very risky. I performed one of the first interviews which were done with him. The father of Emre Kurttepeli is the founder of Ipragaz and a real entrepreneur. Mynet continued to function until today despite the crisis and the interruption with the development of the internet. When most of the companies went bankrupt, it succeeded in operating more. I asked Kurtt

Finans 2023-07-06 12:37:37

Emre Kurttepeli becomes a Board Member of Endeavor

Endeavor Association, which was established by the leading names in Turkish business world that encourages and supports the active entrepreneurs to contribute to the economic growth, has held their 4th Ordinary General Assembly at Swissotel, on Friday, 19th April, 2013.

Finans 2023-07-06 12:07:57

Emre Kurttepeli : “Entrepreneurship is a passion”

March 26th, 2014, Emre Kurttepeli participated in İTÜ Çekirdek “Coffee Talks” event. Told the story of the founding of Mynet, noticed important aspects related to Turkish entrepreneurship ecosystem and shared with participants his predictions regarding the future of Turkish Internet entrepreneurship sector.

Finans 2023-07-06 11:58:49

Emre Kurttepeli joined the jury of TEB Open Innovation Competition

Turkish Economy Bank (TEB) adopted the theme “ be agile, get a result” at their Open Innovation Competition that is now traditional with their “ Make an Innovation” motto this year.

Finans 06-07-23 11:17

There are Many Entrepreneurs but Few Opportunities in the Internet Business

The Turkish portal Mynet has 2,5 million registered e-mail users. Emre Kurttepeli who is the owner of Mynet and the Chairman of Turkish Internet Foundation says, “Many web sites selected advertisements as the unique revenue item.

Finans 31-01-20 14:25

Kurttepeli: “The internet market is expanding”

**KURTTEPELİ: “THE INTERNET MARKET IS EXPANDING”** Emre Kurttepeli is the creator of Mynet which is the first Turkish portal in Turkey. Mynet which he founded after he sold Fornet that was founded in 1996 with İzi Adato and sold to Koç.net is competing with the world. Emre Kurttepeli, the Chairman of Mynet, evaluated the development of internet and the future of the sector on the 5th anniversary of Mynet:

Finans 31-01-20 14:23

Turkey has a Web Portal that Finances Itself

Emre Kurttepeli founded Mynet.com in 1999 with an investment of 1 trillion Turkish Liras. At that time, most people thought that it was very risky.

Finans 31-01-20 14:18

Emre Kurttepeli becomes a Board Member of Endeavor

Endeavor Association, which was established by the leading names in Turkish business world that encourages and supports the active entrepreneurs to contribute to the economic growth, has held their 4th Ordinary General Assembly at Swissotel, on Friday, 19th April, 2013.

Finans 31-01-20 13:30

Emre Kurttepeli : “Entrepreneurship is a passion”

March 26th, 2014, Emre Kurttepeli participated in İTÜ Çekirdek “Coffee Talks” event. Told the story of the founding of Mynet, noticed important aspects related to Turkish entrepreneurship ecosystem and shared with participants his predictions regarding the future of Turkish Internet entrepreneurship sector.

Finans 31-01-20 13:17

On June 26 2014, Emre Kurttepeli was the guest of “Finance Cafe” program prepared by Yucel Melda and broadcast on CNBC-e. In the program, important topics like investment situation in Turkey and Turkish entrepreneurship were evaluated

On June 26 2014, Emre Kurttepeli was the guest of “Finance Cafe” program prepared by Yucel Melda and broadcast on CNBC-e. In the program, important topics like investment situation in Turkey and Turkish entrepreneurship were evaluated

Finans 31-01-20 13:11

Emre Kurttepeli joined the jury of TEB Open Innovation Competition

Turkish Economy Bank (TEB) adopted the theme “ be agile, get a result” at their Open Innovation Competition that is now traditional with their “ Make an Innovation” motto this year.

Finans 31-01-20 13:00

ACE of MICE Exhibition by Turkish Airlines Fuarı

Kültür ve Turizm Bakan Yardımcısı Özgül Özkan Yavuz: - "Türkiye Turizm Tanıtım ve Geliştirme Ajansı’nın kuruluşunu tamamladık. Kurmuş olduğumuz tanıtım ajansı Türkiye’nin ilk pazarlama örgütü. Bu çok büyük bir adım ülkemiz için" - İstanbul Vali Yardımcısı Ahmet Hamdi Usta: - "2023 yılında 75 milyon turist, 65 milyar dolar gelir hedefine ulaşmak Türkiye’yi ve İstanbul’u hak ettiği noktaya getirmek için elimizden gelenin en iyisini yapma gayreti içerisindeyiz" - İTO Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Bahadır Yaşık: - "Biz elimizde olan değerin kıymetini köpürtmeye gerek duymadan iyi bir şekilde anlatabilirsek daha iyi olacak. Bu yüzden pazarlama, reklam kısmına ağırlık vermemiz gerektiğini düşünüyorum" - TİM Başkan Vekili İbrahim Pektaş: - "Türkiye’nin mal ihracatı geçen yıl 182 milyar dolar civarında iken hizmet ihracatının da yaklaşık 35 ila 70 milyar dolar olduğunu görebiliyoruz"

Finans 22-01-20 14:45

Ace Of M.I.C.E. Exhibition by Turkish Airlines kapılarını açtı

ACE of MICE fuarı bugün İstanbul Kongre Merkezi (ICC)’de 7.

Finans 22-01-20 11:08

ACE of M.I.C.E Exhibition by Turkish Airlines’a geri sayım

Kongre, toplantı ve etkinlik sektörü profesyonelleri 22-24 Ocak 2020 tarihlerinde İstanbul Kongre Merkezi’nde ACE of MICE kapsamında 7’nci kez bir araya gelecek.ACE of MICE Türk Hava Yolları isim sponsorluğunda, TÜRSAB ana stratejik partnerliğinde Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, İstanbul Valiliği, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, İstanbul Ticaret Odası, Antalya Tanıtma Vakfı ve KOSGEB desteğiyle gerçekleştiriliyor.

Finans 16-01-20 12:25

TurkStat - Milk collected by dairies fell by 2.1 pct. annually

The amount of collected cow's milk in November fell by 2.1 percent when compared to the same month of the previous year, according to the data released by Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) on Monday.

Haber 13-01-20 12:13

Motosiklet 2020'de hız yapacak

Türkiye Motosiklet Federasyonu Başkanı Bekir Yunus Uçar: - "Kurduğumuz Turkish Team ile Toprak Razgatlıoğlu, güvenimizi boşa çıkarmayarak en iyi bağımsız pilot ve takım ünvanını elde etti" - "FIM Gezi ve Tur Komisyonunun düzenlediği Mototour Of Nations'ı ilk kez ülkemize getireceğiz"

Spor 19-12-19 11:48

Alanya’nın Gözleri fotoğraf yarışmasına son başvuru 30 Kasım

Alanya Turizm Tanıtma Vakfı’nın sosyal medya tanıtım çalışmaları kapsamında başlattığı 17 bin 500TL toplam para ödüllü fotoğraf yarışması ‘Alanya’nın Gözleri’ için son başvuru tarihi 30 Kasım.Alanya Turizm Tanıtma Vakfı’nın (ALTAV) hayata geçirdiği, Alanya Belediyesi ve Alanya Turistik İşletmeciler Derneği’nin (ALTİD) desteklediği, The Turkish Property Professionals (TTPP) ve Kırbıyık A.Ş.’nin sponsorluğunda yapılan Alanya’nın Gözleri (Eyes of Alanya) Uluslararası Alanya Fotoğraf Yarışması başvurularında sona yaklaşılıyor.

Yurthaber 12-11-19 11:44

Kanada’da 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı etkinlikleri

Kanada’da 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, çeşitli etkinliklerle kutlandı.Kanada’da Turkish Society of Canada Derneği, Toronto Belediyesinin de katkılarıyla 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı kutlamalarını, “Uluslararası Çocuk Bayramı-Çok kültürlü Dans ve Sanat Festivali” adı altında düzenledi.

Haber 21-04-19 11:35

7 Aralık Üniversitesi Suriyeliler için düzenlenen çalıştaya katıldı

Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi “Türk Vatandaşlığı Verilen Suriyelilerin Türk Eğitim Sistemine Entegrasyonu” Çalıştayına katıldı.7 Aralık Üniversitesi temsilcileri, İzmir’in Çeşme ilçesinde gerçekleştirilen "Integration Of Syrians Who Were Granted Turkish Citizenship İnto The Education System İn Turkey; Training The Trainers" çalıştayına katıldı.

Yurthaber 16-04-19 14:45

ACE of MICE Exhibition by Turkish Airlines fuarı

İstanbul Vali Yardımcısı Ahmet Hamdi Usta: - "Hepimizin ortak sorunlarını çözmek ve arzu edilen hedefe ulaşmak amacıyla millet ve memlekete hizmet yolunda üzerine düşeni yapma gayreti gösteren turizm sevdalılarını yürekten kutluyorum"

Haber 20-02-19 13:02

Öğretim üyesinin lenslerle ilgili bilimsel makalesine ödül

Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesinden Doç. Dr. Sertaç Argun Kıvanç'ın, katarakt ameliyatında göze takılan farklı nitelikteki lenslerin üzerinde bakterilerin üreme özelliklerini incelediği bilimsel çalışması, "Turkish Journal of Ophtalmology" dergisi tarafından en başarılı üç makaleden biri seçildi

Haber 21-11-18 15:52

Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology'den, Uludağ Üniversitesi öğretim üyesine ödül

BURSA'da Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi Doç.

Haber 21-11-18 15:13

İngiliz-Türk İş dünyası İş Forumu’nda bir araya geliyor

Turkish-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry (TBCCI) öncülüğünde, İngiltere-Türkiye iş camialarının gündemindeki öncelikli konuları ele alındığı ve iki ülke arasındaki karşılıklı yatırım, ticaret ve ortak proje fırsatlarının tartışıldığı, İngiltere-Türkiye İş Forumu’nun dokuzuncusu 16 Ekim’de düzenlenecek.

Finans 09-10-18 17:15

Private sector’s foreign debt up to 242.5 billion dollars in May

Turkish private sector’s outstanding loans received from abroad rose by 2.33 billion dollars in the first five months of the year, up to 242.5 billion dollars by the end of May.

Finans 16-07-18 11:50

Turkish TV series actor accused of sexual abuse during filming

A Turkish actress has said “Me too!” after a 19-year-old movie set assistant claimed that she was sexually abused by Talat Bulut, a well-known Turkish actor.

Haber 06-06-18 18:09

Borsa Istanbul converted all medium and long term forex assets into Turkish Lira

Borsa Istanbul converted all forex assets except short term liabilities into to Turkish Lira as of today, after dollar climbed its historical level with dollar/lira reaching 4.8213 in the early hours.

Haber 23-05-18 09:31

Turkey sets up 11th observation post in Syria’s Idlib

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) have set up the 11th observation post in the Idlib province of northern Syria in a bid to monitor an ongoing truce between the Syrian regime and armed opposition groups, the military announced in a written statement on May 14.

Haber 14-05-18 11:27

Turkish lira plummets to record lows against dollar

The value of the Turkish lira plunged to record lows, dropping to 4.3744 against the dollar on Wednesday, amid rising global geopolitical risks after United States President Donald Trump decided to pull his country out of the international nuclear deal with Iran on Tuesday.

Finans 09-05-18 16:46

Erdoğan summons urgent economy meeting as lira plunges

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan summoned top members of the government’s economic administration for an urgent meeting on Wednesday, amid continued plunges in the value of the Turkish Lira.

Finans 09-05-18 16:46

Release journalists before elections: Turkish Journalists Association

The state of emergency “should be lifted” and imprisoned journalists should be released ahead of the upcoming elections on June 24, the Turkish Journalists Association (TGC) said in a statement to mark World Press Freedom Day.

Haber 04-05-18 09:34

CHP leader hints Gül was threatened by top soldier

The main opposition leader has hinted that Turkey’s top soldier and chief presidential advisor threatened former President Abdullah Gül not to run for presidency and has called on them to make a clear statement about the alleged meeting in the course of key parliamentary and presidential elections.

Haber 03-05-18 17:18

US judge postpones Turkish banker’s sentencing

A United States judge on April 16 again postponed sentencing a former Turkish banker convicted of violating U.S.

Haber 17-04-18 12:53

Turkish gov’t working on plan to lower interest rates: Sources

 The government is working on a scheme to lower interest rates by reducing the Treasury’s borrowing requirement, and the new model is expected to be announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan “within 15 days” according to sources close to the matter.  Top members of the country’s economic administration have reportedly been holding meetings since Monday on the issue.

Haber 04-04-18 15:48

Turkey’s EU Ministry says it fulfilled obligations regarding migrant deal

Turkey has fulfilled its obligations regarding a 2016 deal signed between Turkey and the European Union to curb the flow of irregular migrants, Turkey’s EU Affairs Ministry has said on its official Twitter account on the second anniversary of the deal.

Haber 19-03-18 16:07

Bursa Kongre Turizminde Hak Ettiği Payı Alacak

Bursa Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Alinur Aktaş, ACE of M.I.C.E. Exhibition by Turkish Airlines 2018 Fuarı’nı...

Yurthaber 23-02-18 18:13

Selçuklu Kongre Merkezi Konya’nın tanıtımına fayda sağlıyor

Konya’nın merkez Selçuklu İlçe Belediyesi tarafından Konya’ya kazandırılan ve Anadolu’nun en büyük kongre merkezi olan Selçuklu Kongre Merkezi, kongre ve turizm sektörü temsilcilerini buluşturan "ACE of MICE Exhibitionby Turkish Airlines Fuarında" tanıtılıyor.Selçuklu Belediyesinden konuyla ilgili yapılan açıklamada, Selçuklu Kongre Merkezinin, sektöründe dünyanın üçüncü, Türkiye’nin de ilk ve tek kongre, toplantı ve etkinlik fuarı olan “ACE of MICE Exhibitionby Turkish Airlines Fuarında” tanıtım standı açtığı belirtilerek, "İstanbul Kongre Merkezinde düzenlenen ve 40 ülkeden 350 yerli 200 yabancı sektör temsilcisini buluşturan fuar ile tanıtımı yapılan merkez ziyaretçilerden yoğun ilgi gördü.

Haber 22-02-18 15:30

ACE of MICE Exhibition by Turkish Airlines Fuarı

Turizm Medya Grubu organizasyonuyla "Tüm renklerimizle bir araya geliyoruz" mottosuyla bu yıl beşincisi gerçekleştirilen ACE of MICE Exhibition by Turkish Airlines, İstanbul Kongre Merkezi'nde kapılarını açtı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Müsteşar Yardımcısı Taşkent: - "Bakanlığımız dünyanın en önemli turizm ülkelerinden biri olan Türkiye'mizi güneş, sahil ve kum kıskacından çıkarma yönünde çalışmalar yapıyor" - İstanbul Vali Yardımcısı Gültekin: - "İstanbul güvenli bir şehir. En az Paris kadar, Roma kadar, en az Barselona kadar güvenli bir şehir, hatta iddia ediyorum çok daha güvenli bir şehir" - Turizm Medya Grubu Başkanı Ataman: - "Türkiye MICE pazarı yaklaşık 6 milyar dolarlık bir hacme sahipken, uluslararası pazardan çok daha fazla pay alabilecek bir kapasite ve potansiyeli elinde bulunduruyor. Geçtiğimiz senelerde birçok sancılı dönem yaşadık, ancak 2017 yılının sonunda yaşanan hareketlilikle beraber 2018 ve sonraki yıllar için umutlarımız hayli yüksek. Artık kaybettiğimiz uluslararası kongreleri yeniden kazanma zamanı"

Haber 21-02-18 14:54

4 Turkish Soldiers Killed, 4 Injured In Pkk Attack In Hakkari

– Four soldiers were killed and four others were injured when outlawed PKK militants detonated improvised explosives in the southeastern province of

Yurthaber 04-10-17 10:28

Turkish Top General Visits Iran

– Turkey’s Chief of Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar traveled to Tehran on Sunday to hold discussions with his Iranian counterpart Major

Yurthaber 02-10-17 17:27

Turkish Intel Officials In Iraq To Participate In Questioning Of Is Militants’ Turkish Wives

- Turkish intelligence officials have gone to Iraq in order to participate in the questioning of the Turkish wives of

Yurthaber 29-09-17 18:31

Turkey Celebrates 95Th Anniversary Of victory Day

- Turkey celebrates the 95th anniversary of “Victory Day”, which marks the Turkish victory against Greek forces at the Battle

Yurthaber 30-08-17 10:07

Businesses Group Head Claims That Turkish Lawmakers, Governors Have ‘Low Salaries’

- The salaries of lawmakers and governors are very low and “people are wrong to think they earn a lot

Yurthaber 11-08-17 16:25

No Use In Teaching Math To Students Who Don’T Know Jihad - Akp Lawmaker

- A member of the Turkish parliament’s national education commission has said there is no use in teaching mathematics to

Yurthaber 24-07-17 12:41

Turkey, Eu Agree On 12-Month Calendar In Accession Bid

- Turkey and the European Union have agreed on a 12-month calendar on the future of Turkey’s accession bid, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said

Yurthaber 27-05-17 15:22

Eu Says Will Assess Planned Turkish Constitutional Changes

Brussels, Mar 14 “The proposed amendments, if approved at the referendum of 16 April, and especially their practical implementation, will

Yurthaber 14-03-17 08:07

Doyenne Of Turkish Archaeology Halet Çambel Featured In Google’S Women’S Day Doodle

İstanbul, Mar 9 The slideshow doodle showcased 13 female pioneers from around the world including Americanjournalist Ida Wells, Egypt’s first

Yurthaber 09-03-17 17:16

Turkish References To ‘Nazi Period’ Must Stop: Germany’S Merkel

- Ankara’s references to the Nazi period over the cancelation of Turkish ministers’ meetings in the country must stop, German

Yurthaber 09-03-17 15:26