Deputy Pm Akdoğan Offers Guarded Criticism Of Attacks On Journalists

- Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan has condemned recent attack on journalists while also criticizing those that would attempt to

- Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan has condemned recent attack on journalists while also criticizing those that would attempt to profit from such provocations.

“As we condemn violence on media members, we also condemn hate speech produced with distorting the source of violence,” Akdoğan said on his Twitter account on Nov. 1.

Meanwhile, Culture Minister Yalçın Topçu described the attack on Hürriyet columnist Ahmet Hakan as a provocation staged ahead of the elections.

The attack was perpetrated by those who want to cast a shadow on Turkey’s peace and democracy and defame the country in the eyes of world, the minister said, adding that the assault was a plot in which some people’s anger was used by others.

“They are staging a multi-pronged war against Turkey,” the minister stated without identifying the dark forces arrayed against the country.

“There are some on mountains with arms, some on streets, and others through politics,” he added. Everyone should respect freedom of speech, the minister added.

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