Ruined Slums Turn Into Dormitories For Migrants In İzmir

- In Basmane, a district of İzmir where refugees from Iraq, Somalia and mostly Syria reside, ruined houses have turned

Ruined Slums Turn Into Dormitories For Migrants In İzmir

- In Basmane, a district of İzmir where refugees from Iraq, Somalia and mostly Syria reside, ruined houses have turned into cheap dormitories for migrants who have flocked to the city in attempt to cross into Europe, then were left on the streets due to lack of accommodation provided.

The daily price of a room has risen from 10-15 liras to around 40 liras, even for old İzmir houses, where doors, windows have torn down, after the rising demand of migrants in the area.

Harsh conditions in unlicensed slums

Inhabitants slammed these implementations of letting houses in inhuman conditions to migrants, without any license, and urged officials to take measures.

Meanwhile, mosque courtyards keep hosting migrants without a home. While groups of migrants stay in the district for a while and leave for their “journey of hope” towards European countries, other groups arrive and replace them.

Foreigner journalists flock to İzmir to report deadly disasters

Following the deadly migrant boat disaster having left dozens killed and sparked an outrage across the world with the picture of Aylan Kurdi, drowned and washed ashore Bodrum coasts, foreign journalists keep flocking to Basmane.

International journalists conduct interviews particularly with women and children among these migrants who crave to cross the border gate and reach Europe.


Ruined Slums Turn Into Dormitories For Migrants In İzmir

Ruined Slums Turn Into Dormitories For Migrants In İzmirRuined Slums Turn Into Dormitories For Migrants In İzmir

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