Governor Refuses Hdp Rally Request, Akp Rally A Day Later Permitted In Eastern Turkey

- The Governor’s Office in the eastern province of Erzincan has refused to grant permission to the Peoples’ Democratic Party

- The Governor’s Office in the eastern province of Erzincan has refused to grant permission to the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) to hold an election rally on April 25, citing an election rally by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) scheduled for April 26 as the reason.

“Cumhuriyet Square, which you requested in your petition to hold a rally, is not deemed suitable because law enforcement forces will do the required work to take security measures at the square a day in advance because of a visit that our Prime Minister, Prof. Ahmet Davutoğlu, will pay to our province on April 26, because of openings that he will launch afterwards and since his address to the people will take place at Cumhuriyet Square” Erzincan Governor Süleyman Kahraman said in an official letter sent to the HDP’s provincial branch after the party requested to hold a rally at Cumhuriyet Square on April 25.

The HDP’s candidate running from Erzincan for the June 7 parliamentary elections, Erol Ağdaş, voiced his reaction on his Facebook page.

“The AKP, which doesn’t at all shy away from using the opportunities of being in power to block others or for its own interests, did its trademark again. Permission is not granted for the rally on grounds of security and the prime minister’s arrival a day later” Ağdaş said, noting the HDP would still hold a rally in Erzincan, though it would be delayed.

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